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Pitch Perfect Page 14

  “I do.” They had become fast friends after Mia had given a large check to Cat’s favorite charity at a fund-raiser several years ago. “I know her very well, in fact.” She pulled out her cell phone. “Now, would you like me to make the call? It’s much more likely for me to get her now versus later in the day.”

  “How much would she charge? Our budget here is, well, let’s say, not big. The band I had coming here was doing me a personal favor.”

  Mia smiled. “Cat gives generously to several charities. I’m sure she would be happy to perform a short set simply for a donation to one of her charities.” She gave a little wave of her hand.

  “Not a problem. I’ll even pitch in some personal money. Give Cat a call.”

  “Excellent,” Mia said and then scrolled down to Cat’s number and pressed the CALL button while saying a silent prayer that Cat would be available. Although Mia had other connections, Cat Carson was her best shot. While Cat loved her music, she avoided the limelight, and the two of them had often traveled via Mitch’s company jet to exclusive but private beach destinations. And oh, how they gave new meaning to shop ’til you drop! But what Mia liked about traveling with Cat was that they both enjoyed local merchants more than big designer brands. While Cat’s music was played on country radio, she really had a bit of a pop-music Colbie Caillat vibe that had universal appeal. And while she often sported a cowboy hat and boots, her flowing skirts, billowy blouses, and chunky jewelry added a bohemian flair that suited her often beach-oriented songs.

  Mia smiled at the thought of seeing her friend. While Cat’s crammed schedule prohibited her from getting away very often, and even less now that her career was starting to skyrocket, Mia knew her friend would help if it was even remotely possible. If it worked out, Mia was going to use this coup to butter up Noah rather than call it in now as leverage. She had learned from event planning, especially charity balls, that it was better to butter up than to demand. Nice, she had found out, went a long way.

  When the phone rang for the third time, Mia felt a jolt of alarm and flicked a quick glance at Noah. When his shoulders rose and fell, she knew he was thinking the same thing. Cat wasn’t going to pick up. But just when her voice mail was about to chime in, Mia heard a breathless, “Hello! Mia?”

  “None other,” Mia said and gave Noah a thumbs-up. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “No, just got back from a run and it is so hot out that it kicked my butt. How are you, girl? Feeling the need for some retail therapy?” Cat asked with a laugh.

  “Actually, I have a favor to ask of you.”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “Well …” Mia cleared her throat and wondered just how to explain her current situation in front of Noah, so she chose her words carefully since she wouldn’t be mentioning her father. Once again, she wanted to do this on her own. “I’m in Cricket Creek, Kentucky.”

  “Kentucky? Really? For the Derby? Can I come? Get a big floppy hat and everything?”

  Mia chuckled. “No, that’s in Louisville.”

  “Oh. So what’s in … ?”

  “Cricket Creek? Actually, my car broke down, and, well, it’s a long story that will keep until we get together.”

  “Okay, but you’ve got me intrigued! So what’s the favor, sweet pea?”

  “Ex–baseball pro Noah Falcon is willing to give some serious cash to the charity of your choice if you will do him a big favor and sing a set before the opening-day baseball game for the Cricket Creek Cougars. He manages the team and has, well, a situation. The band he booked bailed.”

  “Oh, well, that’s not good. But serious cash to one of my charities is good! When is the event?”

  “Saturday, June third,” Mia said with a wince and held her breath.

  “Wow, that’s right around the corner,” Cat answered slowly. “Let me pull my schedule up on my computer.”

  “Thanks!” Pulling her schedule up meant Cat was at least willing. Mia heard the clicking of the keyboard and nibbled on the inside of her cheek.

  “Luckily my manager just updated it so it’s current or I would have to call her.” Click, click … click. “Oh … well, wow, no way.”

  “Oh … what?” Was that a good no way or a bad no way?

  “Is Cricket Creek far from Nashville?”

  “Only a couple of hours, I think.”

  “Hmm, what time is the concert?”

  “Wait a second,” Mia said then looked at Noah. “What time is the concert?”

  “The game is at seven in the evening but the concert is at five thirty,” he answered, and she repeated the information to Cat.

  “Well, I open for Toby Keith in Nashville on Friday. I’ll be on his tour bus so I won’t have a car, but he’s staying on Saturday to do some interviews. As long as I’m available by Sunday afternoon, I’ll be fine. In fact, come on in on Friday night and we’ll hang out. I’ll be at the Marriott right downtown. It’ll be a blast. I haven’t seen you in so long, girl!”

  “So you can do it?”

  “I’ll have to clear it with my manager, but I don’t see why not. And when Toby learns that I’m doing this for charity, I’m sure he will work it out with me. Just have me back after the game or Sunday morning and we’re fine. I might even be able to arrange to get picked up.”

  “Excellent!” Mia smiled brightly at Noah. “I’ll work out the details and give you a call tonight. Thanks so much, Cat!”

  “Are you kidding? Mia, this obviously is important to you, and money for charity is always a plus. We have a win-win situation on our hands. Not to mention this is going to be a blast. Besides, my schedule is tight and I could use a night of good old fun. We’ll eat barbecue at Jack’s and hang out at Tootsies and the Stage. Maybe I’ll even get up and sing a song or two.”

  “It does sound like a lot of fun,” Mia agreed. Cat might be well on her way to becoming a superstar, but she was one of the most down-to-earth people that Mia knew, and Mia always had a great time with her. “And congrats on opening for Toby Keith! Wow!”

  “Hey, it’s sold out, but I might be able to score you some tickets. After all, if you have to drive me back Sunday, you might as well stay for the concert. I’ll work on it.”

  “I would love that! Talk to you soon.” Mia ended the call and then turned to Noah. “I think we’re all set.”

  “I have to admit that I’m impressed.” He lifted one eyebrow. “But I have to ask … who are you and how did you end up in my office?”

  Mia swallowed hard. “Funny you should ask,” she replied slowly while racking her brain for the right way to cash in on her favor. She leaned forward and offered her hand. “I’m Mia Money.”

  Noah shook her hand and then leaned back in his big leather chair. “You obviously have connections and a friendly but persuasive attitude. Wait, how would you like to be a promotions manager? Ty has been all over me to hire one. I told him I could do it all myself, but I was dead wrong.”

  “I …”

  “Mia, you would be perfect! Do I already have your résumé for a position?” He glanced down at his cluttered desk with a frown. “Sorry. I promise I’m not usually this disorganized, but with opening day coming up and Ty so busy with practice and a newborn, well, I’ve been pulling double duty.”

  “Not a problem,” Mia assured him.

  “So do you want the job?”

  “Seriously?” Mia blinked at him while her mind raced.

  “We’d forgo the usual hiring process and get you started right away.”

  “And my duties would be?”

  “To combine promotions and advertising to put fans in the seats. Plan events like the concert to keep the games fun and attract attendance with giveaways and stuff like that. Now, as I mentioned, our budget is limited, so you have to be creative.”

  “Not a problem. Do you have a Web site?” She had created several for charity events, so she did know a thing or two about promotions. “And a Facebook page?”

  “We have a Web site
but not a Facebook page.”

  “I could create one right away,” Mia said with a businesslike nod. “We could get some publicity going with local media.” She was good at this as well. “I think I could be an asset to your organization, Mr. Falcon.”

  He nodded slowly. “I get the impression you have some experience in event planning?”

  “Lots of it. Mostly with nonprofits,” Mia added, hoping he didn’t want details. Noah looked at her closely, as if sizing her up, making Mia’s heart pound, but he suddenly nodded as if making a decision.

  “Fantastic! Look, it will be a lot of work with a not-so-big salary, but I can provide a small but nice furnished condo overlooking the river in the high-rise right next door. Most of the baseball players and some of the staff live there, so you’d have plenty of people to hang out with. There’s a pool and hot tub, workout room, and so on. You can rent pontoon boats and Jet Skis over at the marina if you enjoy that sort of thing.” He smiled. “And the commute to work is a short walk across the parking lot. Sound like something you could live with?”

  Mia’s heart hammered. This would be perfect! Right up her alley, and she actually felt so excited that it was difficult to sit still. She was floored that he would hire her without knowing her background or skills, but she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. She supposed she had caught him in a time of desperation, and not to pounce on the opportunity to earn a paycheck and respect from her father was too good to pass up. Plus this just might give her the unexpected but additional leverage to save Cam’s position on the team. Well, it was time to find out. Oh, but wait … she already had a job! Myra had been so good to her. She just couldn’t accept this offer without calling Myra first. “Would you mind if I made a phone call?”

  “No, of course not. Go right ahead. You can go out into the hallway and close the door if you want some privacy.”

  “Thanks.” Mia gave Noah a grateful smile before stepping outside the office. After closing the door, she dialed Wine and Diner and crossed her fingers that Myra was available.

  “Wine and Diner.”


  “The one and only.”

  Mia felt a nervous flutter in her stomach. “Hi, Myra, this is Mia Mon-ey.” Oh boy, she’d almost blown her cover.

  “Everything okay, sugar?”

  “Well.” Mia swallowed hard and then continued, “I just got a fabulous job offer from Noah Falcon. He wants me to be their promotions manager.”

  “You don’t say! Take it!”

  “Really?” Mia leaned against the wall in relief. “I hate to leave you shorthanded after all you’ve done for me.”

  “Hey, things are looking up, but jobs are still hard to come by in Cricket Creek, just like everywhere else. I’ll fill the position.”

  “Oh, thank you, Myra. I won’t need the apartment either, since Noah’s offer includes accommodations too.”

  “Sounds like an offer you can’t afford to pass up.”

  “I was hoping you’d see it that way, but rest assured that I will pay you back for the bail money.”

  “Cam already took care of that.”

  “Oh … great. Well, is there anything I can do for all the trouble I put you through?” Mia had learned from her father never to burn any bridges.

  “Just send customers our way.”

  Mia smiled. “Oh, I certainly will! Thanks for being so understanding.”

  Myra chuckled. “Hey, the restaurant business is tough. I’ve learned to be understanding. But I appreciate that you called, Mia. It shows that my intuition about you was correct.”

  Mia cocked her head to the side. “And what did your intuition say?”

  “That you might be in a spot of trouble but that I could trust you. You’ve got a nice way about you and a good heart. You should do real well at this kind of promotions thing. Now, run along and take that job.”

  “Thank you! I’ll see you soon.” Mia pushed the END button but stood there for a moment to gather her composure. It felt good to be trusted and valued. With a lift of her chin, she marched back into Noah’s office filled with determination.

  “Well?” Noah raised his brows in question.

  “I’ll take the job, but I have one little request.”


  “I’m guessing you already know about the bit of … a situation Cameron Patrick got into?”

  Noah frowned. “How do you know about that?”

  “I was the waitress that he rescued.” Mia went on to explain the chain of events that had led up to the arrest. “So I just want to make sure that he isn’t cut from the team.”

  Noah leaned back and sighed. “Then I guess you know the stipulations with which Cam was put on the roster. He had to keep his nose clean. He failed.”

  “It wasn’t his fault!”

  “Not my problem.”

  Mia thought about threatening to call the Cat Carson deal off or not take the job. While she hated to go that route, it might work and she was feeing desperate. But she gave Noah a long, steady look and said, “What would you have done in his situation?”

  “That’s not the point. I made a hard-and-fast rule with Cameron Patrick, and he broke it by landing in jail,” he said firmly, but when his eyes flickered with regret Mia pressed forward.

  “Please answer my question, Mr. Falcon,” she pleaded softly.

  “I would have done the same damned thing,” he admitted.

  “Then give him another chance. Rule or no rule, it’s the right thing to do.”

  Noah gave her a steady look. His lips twitched. He sighed. “Okay. I will give him one last chance. But if he lands himself in jail again, it’s over. Understood?”

  Mia’s heart sang with joy. When she stood up and offered her hand, Noah shook it firmly. “And if you don’t mind, would you keep this conversation to yourself? I promised Cam I wouldn’t come here on his behalf, and there’s no reason to disclose this little meeting to him.”

  “Done,” Noah said, “and you just made me realize that I made the right decision.” He smiled. “Welcome to the staff of the Cricket Creek Cougars!”


  A Time for Us …

  “WAIT, NOAH, DID YOU JUST SAY THAT YOU HIRED MY daughter? Mia?” Mitch stopped pacing and sat down heavily on the kitchen chair in Nicolina’s little breakfast nook. “Yes, I know I only have one daughter. I’m just, well, floored.”

  Nicolina put her coffee mug down and pushed aside the pastel paint chips she had been considering for the shop. When Mitch raised his eyebrows at her, she reached over and covered his hand with hers.

  “She’s going by the last name Money? How’d you know she was my daughter? Oh, that’s right, you did meet her briefly. Yes, thank God for Facebook. Well, thanks. I’m glad that you think she will do a good job for you. Yes, she actually does have lots of experience planning huge events,” he said with a chuckle. “No, don’t let her know that you know who she is. I want her to do this on her own and find her way without me interfering. She needs to do this for herself. Wow … really? She did that?” Mitch glanced at Nicolina and shook his head. “I guess she’s got more of me in her than I realized,” he added with another chuckle. “Whatever you do, don’t let her know I’m here in Cricket Creek. I’ll stay holed up here with Nicolina. Yeah, come on over here later and we’ll talk about some ideas for the area around the stadium I’ve been mulling over,” he said before ending the call.

  “Well, now,” Nicolina prompted as she poured more steaming coffee into Mitch’s mug, “tell me about the latest in the life of Mia Monroe, or should I say Mia … Money?”

  “I couldn’t have made this up.” After a brief chuckle, Mitch leaned back in his chair and laced his fingers together.

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Oh, I beg to differ,” he said playfully, making Nicolina blush. After another bout of incredible sex that lasted most of the morning, they had finally crawled out of bed, needing food and caffeine.

!” she scoffed, but he gave her a once-over that deepened her blush. She was wearing a pair of Mitch’s boxers and a white V-neck T-shirt that played with her breasts every time she moved. Mitch declared that Victoria’s Secret be damned, having her ultrafeminine body in his masculine shorts and shirt was sexier than any silk and lace teddy. “Now, go on with your story,” she said, but he was looking pretty damned sexy too, in low-slung drawstring lounging pants and no shirt. It had been difficult to concentrate on paint colors with his bare chest within reaching distance. Even now her fingers itched to trail through his dark wedge of chest hair threaded with silver. That same silky hair tickled and teased her nipples during sex. For the life of her she couldn’t understand the current trend to shave it off. She reached down and took a sip of her coffee to distract her train of thought so she could listen to this latest information about Mia.

  “Noah Falcon just hired her as promotions manager for the team. Isn’t that something?” He tilted his head and chuckled, looking more relaxed and happy than she had seen him in quite a while. “After talking to her for a while, he suspected who she was, and Facebook pictures confirmed it. He said Mia had some of my hand gestures and mannerisms, which clued him in as well.”

  Nicolina smiled. “Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  “Apparently,” he said, and then his eyes misted over, making Nicolina’s heart melt. “She’s a lot tougher than I thought. And Noah thinks she will do a great job.”

  “Mitch, I’m sure she got a lot of her business savvy from you—both learned and, well, in her genes. And I know she planned many of your parties and events for clients and charity. I read about some of them in the society page. You might have thought that was all fluff, but it takes lots of skill to pull that sort of thing off.”

  Mitch sat up straighter. “Damn, Nicolina, I guess I didn’t give her nearly enough credit, did I?”

  “Probably not,” she answered softly but truthfully.

  “I should have offered her a job instead of allowing her to flit all over the globe without a care in the world.”

  “Well, giving her unlimited spending privileges might not have been such a good idea.” Nicolina pinched off another piece of bagel. “But having her get a job on her own is a much better scenario than handing her one.”